Divine Yantra Loop Pack

$46.00 USD

Original Artwork "Divine Yantra" remastered and animated by the Visual Alchemist Hakan Hisim;

A vision retrieved from the Tryptamine Hyperdimension.

The Divine AUM

The Soundless Sound Vibration of the Supreme Seed-Sound of the Universe

Eternal song of the Divine

The teeming universe is sustained perpetually by the creative vibration of the Divine AUM.

This pack is an animated variation of "Divine Yantra" The pack contains 4 High quality lossless 2K+ animated loops for personal use or to use as part of a VJ Performance.

  • 4 Loops // 8 Video

  • 2096 X 2048 Size

  • 25 FPS

  • DXV3 + Mp4 Codec

  • Art in Motion

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